Academic interest in the odd, anomalous and outright paranormal seems to be continually growing. Hannah Gilbert, doctoral student at the Anomalous Experiences Research Unit, University of York, has organised a one-day conference entitled Exploring the Extraordinary, to be held on Halloween, of course. The entire day is spookily inexpensive at just £15 (£10 for concessions) and can be booked though Hannah (heg104 AT York.ac .uk). The line up too looks good, with two talks on drugs and the paranormal alone, I’ll be giving one of them (the talks) as usual, so hope to see you there.
Exploring the Extraordinary
10am-5pm, 31st October, 2009
W222, Wentworth College, Heslington Road, University of York
Cyberpsychics: Subjective experiences of psychic readings on the internet
Tamlyn Ryan, University of York
Discarnate entities and dimethyltryptamine (DMT): Psychopharmacology, phenomenology and ontology
David Luke, University of Greenwich
Spirits and spirits: Seeing ghosts under the influence
Paul Cowdell, University of Hertfordshire
Ambassadors of spirit
Tony Hegarty, Liverpool John Moores University
Science, pseudoscience and the demarcation problem
Ian Kidd, University of Durham
Reproducing anomalous experiences in the laboratory: A review of some recent research developments in parapsychology
Chris Roe, University of Northampton
Art: L’Ange by GĂ©rard Quenum; Photo: Jonathan Greet
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